
Friday 31 May 2019

team building bouncy egg

Walt make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

Hi, these are my friends Lizzy and Bree we were making a bouncy egg in team building in science. The materials were vinegar and a glass jar and an. egg and you live it for 4 days and then you take your egg out and see if it can bounce from a meter high.

When you take it out it looks foggy and it fills

I enjoyed that we got to do science with my friends it was fun

Thursday 30 May 2019

Team building-marshmallow using school values.

Walt: show our school values during team building

reflection: we were making a catapult made of marshmallows/skewers/rubber band/tape. We used our school values by communication

Friday 3 May 2019

the digestive system

WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly Reflection: It was very fun and easy. I enjoyed it a lot. Next time I will add more text and information

it was fun because we got to learn about the skeletal body what would do if I was lost in the middle of nowhere I am surprised  that they could cack  rat and fish to eat

I am  proud that I can get my work done just on time
