
Friday 21 February 2020

My first day at Tech

My first day of Tech

On Thursday, we went to tech. And  there are 3 class that we do there each term. There is Woodwork,ICT, and Cooking. I am in the Cooking Class with the other Year 8's in the class. I was  with  Lopala. We made Corn Fritters using egg, flower, corn, and oil. I really enjoyed Tech because cooking is one of my favourite  and the Corn fritters where Delicious and i had a lot of fun.  
Image result for tech


  1. Kia Ora Lyric. Great work on your blog post this week! What was it like working collaboratively with Lopala? What was the best part about cooking and making the corn fritters?

  2. Hi Lyric, did you enjoy making them? And what did you like about making them.

  3. Hi Lyrc thats a cool thing to make i love fritters that would have been fun working with lopala

  4. Hi Lyric. I like that you used a picture in your post. Were the corn fritters nice?

