
Tuesday 23 June 2020

3D planet

                                                                   this is my 3D planet and it is all blue and it is a water planet


  1. Hey Lyric, I enjoyed reading your post today. I really like your planet but maybe next time you could put some more description about your planet.
    Did you work by yourself or with a buddy?
    Good job!

  2. dear lyric
    i like how you did your planet it is really cool and interesting i think you did really well but next time maybe put more about your planet what planet it is and maybe how you did it.
    what was the hardest part about making the planet?

  3. Hi Lyric.
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post. I think its is very good, and I like that it is all water, well done. Is there life on this planet?. Next time put more detail into your reflection, but your planet is very good. How long did it take to make? Have you ever used tinkercad before? Did you find this task fun? Would you live on this planet?

