
Friday 29 May 2020

my bedroom design

WALT: share our creativity with an online audience
i think that my bed room is for a 13 year old girl that loves to do her homework and that loves puppy's and her favourite thing about the room is that there are fairy light's  and she has two Favourite animals a fox and a horse and she loves red and gold and she likes to have a clean room an also she like a big room and big  bed.   


  1. To:lyric
    I think your bed room design is really cool it reminds me a bit of Aneika because of how you said she has two favourite pets a horse and a fox. my favourite part of the bed room is probably the fairy lights to. i like how you added a summary thing to it (writing) and said she likes a big bed and room.
    what is your favourite part of the room?

    THE END !

  2. Hi lyric I like your bed room design. I really like the horse photo and the dog. Maybe next time add a carpet.

  3. Hey Lyric, I really like your bedroom! I really like the dog and that you made the bed yourself, I also like the fairy lights. I think any 13 year old would love this room. Did you enjoy making this? What did you use? Did you work with a buddy?
    Well done!

